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Policies and Rates



Sliding scale rates are $100. -  $135. per hour as of April 1st, 2024


Enquire about packages and financial aid


Call for details. 530-575-1993



Zelle           Venmo           Cash           Check



Policies & Agreements:


Cancellation policy:

24-hour notice is required for cancellation. This cares for the time, energy & resources of the facilitator as well as other clients who might have wanted the time you were holding. If you choose to cancel your appointment without this notice, 50-100% (sliding scale) of your session fee is due. Please choose the amount that is workable for you. In the event of a cancellation due to an emergency or a tragic event, you can send an email describing the circumstance for consideration of waiving your fee.




Anything you share in the context of our session(s) will be held in confidentiality, unless given consent by the client. Breaking confidentiality will only be considered if the client may be an immediate danger to themselves or another.




Please keep your appointments if possible.

Please arrive on time.

Send plenty of notice if you are going to be late, and know that we may likely have to end the session at the same time agreed upon, regardless of when you arrived.

It can be helpful to commit to a certain amount of sessions/time for growth, integration and trust-building together. There is no set formula for how much you might need.

You are under no obligation to continue sessions, if at any time you feel complete working together. 

If you signed up for a package offer, be sure to check the “agreements” section in your paperwork for any differing commitments or obligations.



Payment Detail:

My sliding scale fee for sessions, consultation, and mediation is $90-$125 per hour, sliding scale unless otherwise arranged. Please choose an amount that works for your budget. You don’t have to let me know what you choose or why.

Payment is due at the time of service unless otherwise agreed.

You are welcome to pay in cash, check or via

Paypal: or





Many modalities are included in this work, including but not limited to Neurolinguistics (NLP) and Compassionate Communication (NVC, Empathy, reflection, and orientation to observations, feelings, needs & requests). 20+ years of human development, alternative, holistic, individuated, learning style-oriented education, and implementation experience also inform this work.

Maren Metke is not a licensed therapist or counselor, and will/can not be held liable for happenings in the life of the client or the client's family. Metke is a coach/consultant/educator, guide & companion, and is not recognized by the government as being adequately able to address suicidal thoughts or self-harm and can not take responsibility for either.

Her goal is to be a supportive companion on this road of life, acting as an agent of self-reflection, self-connection, and self-awareness in a trustworthy, shame-free setting. 

Emotional and physical safety is the highest priority – every element of the session time is voluntary. 

The result aims to be a safe container to explore and grow, resulting in a deeper sense of self-reflection, connection, support, and acceptance, leading to more improved and effective awareness and strategies to meet what needs are alive. 

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